Saturday, July 21, 2007

Blame it on immigration… or Pakistan

Is immigration root of all the problems in Mumbai? It has been repeated so often that people assume it to be true without examining it. But is it true?

First of all, a city, by definition, is created and grows only because of immigration. If no one immigrates to Mumbai then Mumbai will become Airoli. It doesn’t need much understanding of basic economics to see why immigration is necessary for creation of cities and their growth. Cities are nothing but a concentration of people where it becomes easier for trade and commerce to flourish. For example, it will be economical to open multiplexes only in a city because of higher density of population there. Immigration serves two purposes here. It helps create such concentration of people and, more importantly, it provides human resource for the thriving trade and commerce. Both are critical functions, which cannot be performed by small native population for a growing city. This is because as a rule, immigrating population is younger, better educated and better skilled. (As an aside, for this reason, we shouldn’t be gung ho about social status of NRIs in the US. It’s a rule rather than an exception). So, it would be impossible for any city to be created without immigration. . (If you have any doubts about it, imagine any business house in Mumbai that can run without support of immigrants, be it in entrepreneurial, managerial or menial jobs).

However, immigration leads to a self-propelling cycle of growth. As city grows more people migrate to it and as more people migrate the city grows more. The growth stops and dies when the city is not able to provide the basic infrastructure to new immigrants. Slowly the city is overtaken by other cities and is lost into oblivion. (Remember Calcutta of 60s?)

That brings us to natural conclusion that immigration is essential if we want Mumbai to grow and must be encouraged. In fact, there is always completion between cities to attract best talent. How far we succeed in becoming a major financial hub is greatly dependent on our ability to provide world-class infrastructure and hence attract talent from all over Mahrashtra, India and preferably world, though that sounds a bit too far fetched when we are losing even Indian talent to upcoming cities.

Now, if it is such a basic fact why exactly we keep hearing that immigration is the root cause of all problems in Mumbai? The reason is simple- it helps our politicians. First of all, stroking such sentiments helps them get vote and an office. And the icing on the cake is that once in office they don’t have to work because they can always blame it on immigration.

Interestingly, such theories are not unique to Mumbai. We have another national theory- blame everything on Pakistan! Suppose I leave door of my flat open while leaving for office and find all valuables gone when I return in the evening. Who is responsible for it- the thief or me? It’s me! Contrast that with my office at makers tower where they don’t even pretend to have any security. Not only that, we leave our parliament, cities trains and buildings totally unprotected. And if someone blows them up, we conveniently blame it on Pakistan! Again, it helps our politicians to win elections and avoid responsibility!

So next time someone talks of Pakistan or immigration let’s ask this: it’s fine Mr. politician… Pakistan is a rogue country but why the f*** there was no security? And of course immigration is a problem. But when did you last increase the capacity of suburban rail? Do you think it doesn’t need expansion in 40 odd years, immigration or no immigration?

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