Saturday, October 22, 2011

Weekly Stocks

Weekly take

NIFTY: I see no clear direction in nifty- Nothing tradable. However, large number of stocks are showing sell signals. That should drag nifty down to low of the recent range. Should be targetting 4730 as long as it remains below 5175.

BANKS: with large number of banks showing weakness, it might be a good idea to remain short in banknifty

Specifically: 1. Sell IDBI at 107 SL 120 Target 90

2. Sell UCOBANK at 65 Sl 70 Target 55

3. Sell UNIONBANK at 250 SL 270 Target 225

4. Sell YESBANK 285 SL 301 Target 255

OTHER sells: 5. Sell TECHM 575 SL 590 Target 540

6. Sell ROLTA at 75 SL 80 Open target

7. Sell RINFRA SL 430 Target 370

8. Sell ORCHIDCHEM 164 SL 174 Target 145

9. Sell JISLJALEQS 130 SL 150 open target for big crash

Only possible buy setup is in PATNI – Buy if it breaks above 350. SL 395 Target 400

1 comment:

Ajay Mishra said...

Now that was a bad week, i can see only losses-

IDBI- stopped out

UCO bank- stopped out

Union bank- Target met

Yes bank- Stopped out

TechM- Stopped out

Rolta- Stopped out

Rinfra- Stopped out

Orchidcehm short open at 164 Sl 175 Target 145 unchaged

Jainirrigation short open at 130 SL 150 target revised at 105

Patni long at 150. Close out.